Spetisbury Construction is experienced in delivering NHS healthcare construction projects, building state-of-the-art facilities designed to support patient care and medical innovation. The company focuses on creating efficient, safe, and sustainable healthcare environments, from surgeries and clinics to specialised medical units, adhering to strict regulatory standards. View our completed and ongoing projects below.

Puddletown Surgery
Pebble Lodge
The NHS facility at Pebble Lodge Dorset is a specialist facility that provides 24 Hour care and support for young people with severe mental health needs. Any construction work completed in these environments requires good management procedures and controls in dealing with risks associated with vulnerable people. The consideration of these risks must be the primary concern in planning all works.
The completion of an extension to this facility was completed by the team and included working within the occupied facility in forming new connections to the existing rooms, refurbishments, and service upgrades.
The project was also further complicated by the presence of badgers within the site area and the need to develop working methods alongside the ecologist. The property in its own right was straightforward in its construction, the team showed their professionalism in dealing with safeguarding and management procedures.

Hahnemann House
The NHS building Hahnemann House dating back to the 19th Century has been used for many healthcare purposes over the years and is currently in use as part of their mental health support service. The historical building has undergone many face lifts and alterations.
The latest project to the building, completed by Spetisbury Construction involved intensive restoration of the facades and conservation work to restore the windows, brickwork and stonework. The project was planned around the needs of the staff and patients, and it was thoughtfully completed whilst minimising noise and disruption.
Springbourne Clinic

Weymouth CT Scanner
Spetisbury Construction was asked to work with GE Healthcare to deliver a new CT scanner facility at Weymouth Community Hospital. The project included extensive refurbishment of the lower ground floor area to accommodate the new scanner, external plant and equipment, as well as reconfiguration of the MSK area.
The work had to be planned meticulously to meet key dates for the scanner installation. We worked closely with GEH to ensure the heavy components could be safely transported throughout the building. The infrastructure associated with the equipment had to be in place before delivery and coordination was imperative with the specialist teams.